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RE: [microsound] who is nn?
At 8:21 PM -0500 11/4/02, Paulo Mouat wrote:
>That's a partial judgment. What name(s) did McCartney assume =cw4t7abs
>were using? Was it at all possible to match them?
I think at that time there weren't all that many SuperCollider users,
and James was assuming that he'd recognize the identity of his
customers. It wasn't a big deal to him, just a bemused observation
that this entity might have been using an unlicensed copy.
>That's arguable. Those 'worthier' individuals should have been perhaps
>more tolerant and less anal. Agreed, it sometimes got out of hand, but
>I didn't see any one instance where this wasn't caused by the outrage of
>other people and the chain reaction that ensued.
Let me put it another way: There was a period of time on the Max list
when antiorp (or whatever you want to call it) had become such an
annoyance that a number of people whose participation on the list I
valued began to unsubscribe. While there may have been, as you
suggest, some instances where the reactions were more extreme than
the provocations, I found that overall the problem was with antiorp
doing its little "nyah, nyah, nyah ... you're a capitalist swine"
routine ad nauseam. At one point I actually did an analysis of the
messages and found that antiorp's taunts grossly outweighed the
reactions. I don't remember now exactly what method I used, but I
believe it was a combination of the number of messages plus the
number of ascii characters filling up my mailbox.
For a while at the beginning I found it amusing, but eventually I was
one of those who voted to banish antiorp from the list. That was a
hard pill for me to swallow, since I believe in open and unmoderated
discussion, but sometimes the cat pisses behind the couch just one
time too many times, and you have to put it to sleep.
Richard Zvonar, PhD
(818) 788-2202