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Re: [microsound] the unevolved
Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life
on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
this idiot should see what it sounds like to put his head in a vice and
crank it closed!
> >For a while at the beginning I found it amusing, but eventually I was one
> >of those who voted to banish antiorp from the list. That was a hard pill
> >for me to swallow, since I believe in open and unmoderated discussion,
> >sometimes the cat pisses behind the couch just one time too many times,
> >you have to put it to sleep.
> >I had a cat like this once. Gently squeezing it's belly would produce the
> >most wonderful un-cat-like cat sounds. Perhaps this is why it would piss
> >my studio.