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Re: [microsound] matlab and mircrosound
it's very much not available to the public - it's pretty pricey and used
mostly by engineers and scientists in institutions with bigger budgets. i
don't know how much a single license costs - probably a few hundred and
another hundred or so for the dsp toolkit.
the current version runs on NT and unix, the previous version also runs on
macs and i hear an os x version is in development.
not really the kind of thing one would buy for fun, but if you any of you
have access to universities or labs i'm sure you can find a machine that
has matlab.
On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, bvasic wrote:
> Sounds fascinating but seems to not be available to the public. Or is it?
> What ploatform does it run on?
> aLEKs
> > on the topic of environments for making sound -
> >
> > has anyone out there ever used matlab for processing, synthesis,
> > performance, etc?
> >
> > i was working over the summer making algorithms for sounds analysis in
> > matlab (used in neurobiology experiments with songbirds, speaking of
> > animal abuse. . . ) - and it seems like a really ideal enviornment - as
> > powerful as max/msp, but working in a totally different paradigm. since
> > digital audio _is_ an array of numbers, the fact that matlab treats all
> > data as a matrix can be very helpful... and there's a signal processing
> > toolkit and great GUIs . .. the works.
> >
> > anyone ever put it to use for artistic purposes?
> >
> > i would love to, but unfortunately since i left san francisco i don't have
> > access to it anymore...
> >
> > brett.
> >
> >
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