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Re[2]: [microsound] Re: microsound Digest 8 Nov 2002 04:35:09 -0000 Issue 694

Soren wrote to microsound:

SG> I'm sure there are many instruments that got thrown away because the
SG> invent thought they were utter crap, though I'm sure a good musician
SG> could do something interesting with it...doesn't make it a good
SG> instrument though...

Interesting quote I was reading this morning in an interview with Bill
O'Toole, one of the founding members of Blowzabella, on the subject of
"early music" instruments:

BO> Any good musical instrument is played until it falls apart. The ones
BO> left in the museums are probably the remainders - instruments that
BO> were left after all the good ones were used. That means that a lot
BO> of copies are in fact copying the worst of history - the rejects!

(If anyone's interested (very OT for this group) the whole interview's
at http://www.greenmanreview.com/otoole.html )

Jim Flannery                            newgrange@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

     When you can't give anything, you can also receive nothing. 
     Through giving, you also receive. You can never stop giving. 
     When you have nothing more to give, you're dead.
                                           -- Mustafa Tettey Addy

np: Cornelius Cardew, _We Sing for the Future!_ (Rzewski)
nr: Mervyn Peake, _Gormenghast_
