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Re: [microsound] good instruments vs good music

>  "what makes a good instrument?".
> sounds good

okay.  in the age of computers this is easy, you can make your 
instrument sound like whatever you can imagine and program.

> easy to use

no, definitely not "easy".  that's not to say that it can't be easy, 
but it does not have to be.  is a violin easy to play?  or is it the 
difficulty and the virtuosity of the seasoned musician that makes the 
instrument so wonderful?

I think before you ask "what makes a good instrument" you should first 
ask "what is an instrument?"  there's no right answer, so your 
definition will play a big role in the ensuing discussion.

it is perhaps easier to list qualities that make up a musical 
instrument.  here's a partial list from me:

tonal range
dynamic range
subtlety of control
one-handedness (so that you can drink beer while performing.  or 
masturbate to the sound of your genius.)

