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The Frequency Clock: Free Media System

Below are some cut-n-pastes from an email announcing
the first public release of The Frequency Clock which
is an open system/plaform for artists streaming
audio+video. Might be of use to ppl here. Just the

The Frequency Clock: Free Media System
(public version 1.0 beta)

The Frequency Clock: Free Media System is a open
source software system created to manage streaming
audio and video channels. 
The Frequency Clock Free Media System is designed for
people who work with streaming media material. 
The Frequency Clock: Free Media System is free and
open source. It is created by r a d i o q u a l i a
<http://www.radioqualia.net>; with the input of many
developers, artists, designers and cultural
practitioners, specifically with arts, cultural and
independent broadcasting in mind.
One of the other issues which arises when using
streaming media, is that content usually has to be
presented within the design context of the various
commerical media players. For many users this is
undesirable. The Frequency Clock Player provides a
solution to this problem, by allowing significant
elements of customisation. 

If you would like more information about The Frequency
Clock: Free Media
System, please contact:

r a d i o q u a l i a
Adam Hyde or Honor Harger

PH: + 31 6 29036248
Email: radioqualia@xxxxxxxxx or adam@xxxxxxxxx
URL: http://www.radioqualia.net


r a d i o q u a l i a


f r e q u e n c y s h i f t i n g p a r a d i g m s
i n s t r e a m i n g a u d i o

in residence at makrolab


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