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RE: [microsound] new mp3

Great track j, it's been looping here since download : )  I was =
wondering if you had any recordings similar
to the show you played at the Sink Gallery here some time ago. It was =
one of the best things I've heard from
you and really would love to hear it again - Richard=20

-----Original Message-----
From: j.frede [mailto:jfrede@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 9:18 PM
To: microsound; lowercase-sound@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
phonography@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; electroacoustic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [microsound] new mp3

[apologies for crossposting]

i have a new mp3 available for download on my site, sometimes at night i =
put my microphone in the window sill and record, i feel this piece came =
out quite nice it was the ambience outside moving through my effects. =

track: a single moment
artist: j.frede
download: http://ritualdocument.com/jfrede/html/moment.html=20

current location:los angeles
po.box 292045 los angeles, ca 90029
