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Re: [microsound] physical filter

tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>Does it tho'? I think it is easy for us, as seasoned computer users to think
>a laptop offers more immediacy. I know loads of people whole would find
>picking up a guitar
>or piano to make music a thousand times more immediate than a computer.

Well I have no doubt that Kim would agree with you.  as I do.  the point 
isn't that the laptop offers more immediacy to one who finds his 
immediacy in the guitar.  The point is that the laptop provides more 
immediacy to one who's more interested in getting his sonar concepts out 
there, one who likely would not find such immediacy with the guitar.

>... I remember reviewing an exhibition in London of newmedia/web design
>and what infuriated me most was the constant assertion by the wall panels
>and catalogue that somehow
>technology was liberating and easily accessible to all. Needless to say
>almost all the peices were done and shown
>on expensive apple machines with expensive software.
>Laptop audio and visual art is still the preserve of the reasonably well
>off, and to many people a computer
>is both a physical and a conceptual barrier to creation. ... 
Well this is another point entirely, but one I agree with.  Yes, 
technology is far from innocent.  As always with technology, the 
question is what you do with it.  Cliche's about "liberating" technology 
are simply that.  They can be just another form of enslavement, which, 
as Spinoza reminds us, we all too often mistake for our freedom.

