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Re: [microsound] Re:ambient books
Thinking about this a little further I came to realize that the idea of
books as "ameublement" is really no stretch at all. A friend of mine is a
book and manuscript dealer and sells a lot of "bindings" i.e. people come in
and buy nicely bound books by the feet as decoration. So the creative leap
of treating music as a furnishing of a room is a much more radical move than
the pretty literal (pardon the pun) use of books as ameublement.
An "ambient" book along these lines of thinking might be A Rebours (Against
Nature AKA Against the Grain) by JK Huysmans which I don't think has been
mentioned yet. I think David Toop makes some nice connections to Huysmans
in Ocean of Sound.
>From: Store <store@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>That seems to me one of the best contributions so far. The way I understand
>and listen to ambient music means that you may listen closely, but don't
>have to, that the music serves the atmosphere as a kind of "immeublement",
>and I think I can remember, Brian Eno himself has put it like this.
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