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RE: [microsound] 'the bleeding edge, etc.'
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Ashline [mailto:billashline@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Good question. If there's still an avant-garde going on and capable of
ocurring in these postmodern times of exhaustion, in my opinion, it's in
electroacoustic improv--in places like the onkyo movement in Japan and with
people like Keith Rowe and Gunter Muller in Europe. That's the most cutting
edge stuff I'm hearing. Check out the Erstwhile label.
I have to concur with your comments on Gunter Muller. His last performance
in Chicago at 6ODUM was sublime...with the exception of the cell phone
interruption. In this case, it was not a welcome "other" sound, but a
complete disruption of three great improvisors communicating...Still, he is
quite a fantastic electroacoustic improvisors, and I love his incorporation
of toys and play in his performances. Good stuff.
Christopher Sorg
Multimedia Artist/Instructor
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
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