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Re: [microsound] [OT] off topic is on
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Or you could just put "off-topic" or "[OT]" (see above) in the subject
heading so that people who do want to have more focus can hit delete and
those who don't care can partake. I don't think we need to call on Kim
to moderate or field more complaints; he's got enough to do as it is. I
loved the Kikkoman ad too, but it would have been more considerate to
flag it as off-topic so people could choose whether to read about it. I
don't see it as "humiliating" anyone to say that; I think the OP already
agreed that would have been better. Also keep in mind that some people
also have filters set up so that emails containing "off-topic" or "[OT]"
are automatically deleted, and if indiscriminate posting of off-topic
stuff is done with no flags, then some people may unsubscribe, thereby
reducing the diversity you celebrate (rightly, in my view). I agree with
you that a certain amount of off-topic stuff is cool, but that doesn't
mean it needs to be a free-for-all. Just try subscribing to the IDM list
if you don't agree. :-) But I know that you're not saying it should be a
free-for-all. Still, I imagine we would agree there ought to be limits.
with respect,
>From: Jorge Blank
>Sent: 13/11/2002 8:42:00 PM
>To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [microsound] off topic is on
>I just wanted to express that I thought the person who
>felt the need to critisize the person who posted the
>kikoman advertisment was a little out of line.
>The digest for this list is already totally long. A
>little humor or other commentary occasionally really
>makes little or no differance. I personally enjoyed
>that animation quite a bit and though it isn't
>"microsound" it certainly is interesting and thought
>provoking, and relates to "our medium" in many ways
>actually. Is all of the cultural theory book
>reviewing that goes on here microsound specifically?
>the answer is no. Therefore I request that anyone who
>feels the need to lecture anyone elses editorial
>sensabilities edit thier own. Lets let Kim moderate.
>If you have a problem, talk to him. No need to
>humiliate people simply sharing thier observations,
>espiecially not in front of everyone else reading
>to define microsound (or an email list, which is even
>more ridiculous)overspecifically would be at cross
>purpose with intellectual, aesthetic, and musical
>development, as well as contrary to the spirit of
>Please continue to enlighten me with tasty leaves and
>petals from your individual memedoms. Otherwise I
>shall cease to read your email list, for I certainly
>don't so much read it for all of the masturbatory self
>exaltations and privaledged points of view.
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