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Re: Re: [microsound] Noise Circle

> whats noise circle?like a load of people jamming with sounds?one at a time
> or all together?we used to do
> a similar kind of thing a few years ago , like 5-8 of us ,
> with a  room full of guitars , synths , feedback loops/fx , tape machines
> ...all sorts and just let rip.....not really in any circular fashion , most
> time  people ended up not
> knowing who was making what which was very funny.
> Most would last for 4-6 hours with very short breaks
> (that would happen in this spooky way....everyone would just stop at the
> same moment sometimes.....)was the closest i came to telepathy......great
> fun.....one time we blew a huge guitar amp half way through and it was
> shorting out making this horrendous noise.We actually carried on for 4 hours
> all thinking it was someone else
> making the noise deliberately.Wasnt until we all stopped that we realised
> the amp was improvising all on its own....
> very funny....we never manged to limit the levels though
> and so it would end up like a wall of noise....
> jack
Noise circle was just the term I used to describe exactly what you just 
described.  When your playing with a bunch of other people there is this thing 
that happens sometimes.  It's like nothing else can really catch your 
attention.  It doesn't matter that what you are doing is "good" or "bad" in 
terms of people's opinions of the music.  It only matters that you are there 
and doing it, together.  I think this is largely what's missing from 
contemporary electronic performance.
some friends of mine used to have a pretty crazy noise band.  I came back to 
ann arbor for the summer and their drummer was gone so I filled in.  I was 
probably 15.  It's not like it mattered that I couldn't play the drums.  They 
had all of these cool instruments they had built.  The "chicken guitar" was an 
electric guitar they had wire bent and added some synth parts to.  They also 
had a non-human band member that was made out of a bunch of televisions and old 
synths.  you plugged it in and it would just make noise, audio and visual, 
until yoou unplugged it.  We would all get together in Fletch's basement and 
just fuck around.  We had guitars and a drumset, a trumpet too.  We played a 
show that sumer in a park downtown.  I banged on lawn-mower blades the whole 
time.  we got something of a crowd probably just because it was weird and 
people are always down for some novelty.  But we were so into it.  We were 
making bloody noise god damnit and it felt good.

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