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Re: [microsound] Noise Circle
----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen Erin Dinehart <erindinehart@xxxxxxxxx>
>Happenings, such as Household from 1964, were held in physical
environments - loft spaces, abandoned factories, buses, parks, etc. - and
brought people, objects, and events in surprising juxtaposition to one
another. Kaprow views art as a vehicle for expanding our awareness of life
by prompting unexpected, provocative interactions.
Happenings is a good word to describe it.
spending some time in the squats of amsterdam it happened more than once
that we ended
up with a bunch of people banging (or whatever) away all night on whatever
there was in your vicinity. and the only room that winter was the kitchen, a
great place for sound tools.
a happening could stard with just one person tapping on the table, depending
on the mood or
mindframe of the others pressent it could result ins hour long noisejams
that can create momments
of bliss on those moments when all participants are tuned to eachother.
on such moments all the conditions/mess in the participants heads disapear.
the clouds go and the sky becomes blue gain.
it doesn't happen all the time and those sparks are of short duration but
they do fill you up with a considerable amount of positive energy.
i higly recomend it above any $100 a hour therapy :-)