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Re: [microsound] memory and melody
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From: vadim sprikut <blohhskj@xxxxxxxxx>
> >>funny you say that. ive made a conscious attempt to eschew melody in
whatever it is im trying to compose. i think for a lot of people, the
melodic quality means that a song is good, or atleast is representative of
what music should be. my mother (speaking of mothers) is a classically
trained opera singer. for her, if a song doesnt have melody, its not a
"real" song, or is just no good.
> In terms of memorizing cadences, repetition and rhyme are equally
important: when you learn a poem by heart those are the features which help
you to memorize it. How closely they are connected to the melody-faculty of
our brain, I don't know. Very close I guess.
i have a simular situation over here with a friend of mine who had a few
years of classical music
training as a child. Aldo he's the only person in my naberhood who can enjoy
a certain level of microsound/experimental/nonmelodic stuff the majority of
it just doesn't sounds like music,
isn't finnished or has something missing. mostley it just sounds like a
bunch of noise or people
who cant play/compose music.
couse of me has been exposed to a lot of microsound/experimental/nonmelodic
stuff over the last 15 years so that some of that former music education
brobably has been distroyed.
but the best progress he made was when some years ago he realized that most
of his not being able to enjoy certain musics came all out of that formal
music "conditioning".
now the subject of our musical dicussions is alot about structure/containt
of the sound works.
> But what about other cultures?
> >>wow, yeah. hard to ignore this factor. my knowledge here (non-western
composition) is really paltry, so i dont really know. the recordings ive
heard from around the world have been starkly different. the question for me
would be, how universal is one's tendency to remember melody? is it a
western phenomenon (that is, is it learned)? do asian children for example,
recall other elements easier than they recall melody?
having spend quite a few years living on/of in asia, mostly india, i guess
it's a simular situation over there.
just dailing away on a radio in india will youl''l hear mostly indian pop
music. the traditional indian
music is hardly presented on the radio.
same storry if you wants some live indian classical, probably your better of
in lest say NYC to find
some gig's.
and be prepared if a indian popsong becomes a smash hit, couse of the amount
of people humming away the mellody ther's no escape and soon you will be
humming to :-).
intersting post
have nice day..............P.