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Re: [microsound] memory and melody

This post relates to vladislav delay's anima:

Anima seems to be full of small melodic flourishes
(some of which are unresolved) and long extended
sequences of tones that seem to form melody over a
longer period of time than the average pop song. 
There is also a multitude of fragmented and richly
textured sounds occuring at almost all times, in
addition to frequent timbral changes.  

Perhaps the melody question also raises issues of
duration when we speak of anima (not to mention how
other elements might cause distraction from the
apprehension of melody) .  Perhaps extremely simple
and unresolved melodies are harder for some people to
remember, as are extremely slow drawn out melodies.  I
find Beethoven very melodic and memorable. perhaps
this is due to a lot of exposure to beethoven in pop
culture?  or perhaps it is because his melodies are
complex enough to create a 'good' hook (but not too
intricate) and occur fast enough to allow many people
to group sequences of tones together
into memorable fragments.  Maybe we are socialized to
listen in this way?


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