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Re: [microsound] Binaural Beats
beyond all this , whatever the sound , it has a mental and psychological
effect , effects mood and the physical being....is just air molecules for
sure.in some sense! , but we seem to have made a big deal out of those
molecules over the years and they do seem to have some part in evolution?and
a physical and mental effect.
or is this all mumbo jumbo...i also take your point!
i'm never fully decided though!
>Isn't Ryoji Ikeda's +/- doing a lot of this?It certainly has a weird effect
on me when I listen to it!
Ryoji Ikeda i find very weird, like some strange brain
machine........especially on headphones......i like it but i wouldnt want
to listen to it for an eternity.......i could see some microsound driving
you crazy after a while !on the edge.......do these people know what their
doing? or what effect there having on the listener?often wondered
............i think Ryoji Ikeda's a bit of a magician sound wise.........i
wonder where his heart is though...seems a cold world...........but thats my
point of view ....and only that...no offence meant!i can get off on
it......what isnt it?
I think theres few microsound people right into this I think spatialisation
can have an very similiar effect but the uses of binaural beats requires you
to use specific beats with a state of mind ...in mind:)or end result.You
choose what feeling you want to induce in the listener , you choose its
related brainwave rate , delta/theta etc and you the use bwgen to embed
these in the music...som have used csound i seem to remember reading
but ive never warmed to this idea.........subliminals and stuff seem
similiar........again its all very mental but not much heart ?
but who says there needs to be ...my preference......
sure about enbedding stuff in music to effect the listener inspecific ways ,
theraputic seems cool , maybe this is where art/music and science meet a
little , or is this mumbo jumbo?i think binaural beats and results are quite
well documented?
what a game.............