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AW: [microsound] laptop\ableton live Q (OT)


i tried this -

per manual it should work when one laptop is the midi master and the
other one is the slave.

This scenario worked with two machines with two rme hammerfalls rock

i tried another scenario with one rme and another laptop with a emi 2/6
and a midiman midi interface. no chance. besides the differing latency
problem the was also a travelling midi offset.

now we have a workaround for the last scenario described.

we use a alesis mmt8 hardware sequencer as a external midi clock and
send the clock signal to both laptops (unfortunately the mmt8 has only 1
midi out - i used a d=F6pfer midi merger/splitter for it).

then you have to adjust the the latencies on both machines. voila. this
one is stable.


-----Urspr=FCngliche Nachricht-----
Von: moog [mailto:moog@xxxxxxxxxxxx]=20
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 21. November 2002 14:44
An: 313
Cc: microsound
Betreff: [microsound] laptop\ableton live Q (OT)

hi we are hoping 2 make our first live set ever next month when Ulirch
schnauss will play live set in tel aviv. we hope 2 use 2 laptops running
ableton. do u have any good pointers about the setup? maybe other
software or something?? kind regards=20
