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Re: Laptop Questions
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For "live" work, I use two laptops, one from each of the factions ;-)
- 233 mhz Dell Lattitude w/ 64 Megs of RAM w/ Windoze 98...aesthetically
this thing is a clunker, but it chugs along...I got it off ebay for a couple
hundred bucks specifically for running Audio Mulch. I also use Reason
sometimes, Live, and various other programs.
- I also use a 700 mhz, Apple iBook w/ 256 Megs of RAM w/ OSX.2...I mostly
use LIVE on this box, but I also run Max/ MSP, and a variety of other "live"
processing programs.
I love Audio Mulch (PC only) so I'm happy to have a box to run it. It's not
reliable for much else, but that's probably because of the crummy specs, but
it runs Mulch, and I'll throw in the garbage before I upgrade.
My iBook. I can't say enough good stuff about this thing, but I will say
that Apple and other companies OSX audio development is pathetic...it's
getting better everyday, but when I got this thing Ableton's Live was about
it, and Reason, but what a RAM suck that thing is...I don't think that I'll
ever be without a Mac on stage, but I don't think that I'll be without a PC
either. I, personally, need both. It's a bitchin' combination, and one that
I feel complete with.
Ultimately, though, it's personal preference. I had an awesome PC laptop
with a super-stable XP, but it wouldn't run Mulch so I got rid of it, and
got the Mac. Every machine is different, and with "live" performance you
have to know how to properly caress the sounds without a crash. For
instance...in Mulch...if an .exe files opens by accident Mulch will burp, if
it's Photoshop or Illustrator, Mulch will just crash, and close, but
fortunately not lock...my Mac running Ableton Live for OSX ver. 1.5 can't
handle files being moved around while doing a set, otherwise it will hang,
and there's nothing worse than a Mac hang for me, because I just get an
infinite loop that sounds like a personal rendition of Reich's Violin or
Piano phase, mucho ungood...it depends on the box...these are just my
m a t t b o r g h i
p.o.box 181
new hudson, mi
48165-0181 usa
w. http://www.mattborghi.com
e. mb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx