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Re: [microsound] webmixing...great fun
My friend Matt Chiabotti has been doing some stellar webmixes for
some time
now under the project name of em.chia. I'm not sure if any of his
mixes are
up online (from which, of course, you could do a mix of a mix of a
mix ...),
but check out http://www.typodegradable.com to look and see.
----- Original Message -----
From: "BJM" <bent@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 5:32 PM
Subject: [microsound] webmixing...great fun
> I want to thank Tu Mp3 and ubu.com for posting those links just
> they did. I went to the Tu-m site and started listening to one of the
> "soundtracks." (It showed up as a quicktime audio bar... not sure
> it's supposed to do that or if the quicktime I recently installed has
> hijacked my mime settings.) I switched back to the menu and
clicked on a
> different piece, but forgot to stop the first one (they were in
> different windows). My browser dutifully played the second piece
> over the first one. Well, that pricked up my ears. I started adding
> and more files to the "mix", revelling in the noisy glory. I use
> and the tabbed browsing really came in handy: I didn't have to
open as
> many windows.
> Well, I soon decided I was wasting my time and really should get
back to
> reading my emails. Lo and behold, my next email had the link to
> where I quickly found the "sound" page (sorry, I guess you'd
posted that
> link to steer us to the Aspen page). I quickly picked a name at
> from the pop-up list and then clicked on a sound file. The
> mess of Tu-m files that I had started was still going, so my
> collage was suddenly blessed with some strange Italian mouth
noises (I
> think it was Giacomo Balla). Somehow I'd managed to pick stuff
that all
> worked relatively well together and the results were sublime...if
> for a few magical moments.
> It's too bad I don't have a laptop; I'd love to do a show where I just
> mix sound streaming soundfiles from the web. I guess the
venue would
> have to have a good internet connection though...
> b
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