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Re: [microsound] A remark about the list
What the hell is this? International Numbskull Day? I wonder what
planetary configuration is inspiring people to suddenly blow out
unthinking selfish-minded remarks. And to what purpose? Your opinion is
your opinion, but what constructive purpose does it serve here?
Even more than the "fatih kizilgok" statement regarding announcements on
this list group, this is the most asinine statement I've heard here in a
long time:
> I no longer bother with MP3:s or CDR:s -- if the artist does not think
> its worth pressing a real CD (which is inexpensive enough) .. why
> should anyone be willing to listen to and even pay for it?
You obviously have no frickin' clue as to what you are talking about, so
please go back to lurking and/or worshipping at the Wire alter and please
find something constructive to do afterwards.
Sincerely, Dale
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