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RE: [microsound] A remark about the list
- My take is that I'm glad to read most of the posts announcing =
upcoming shows, even if they don't take place near me. I believe most of =
the individuals who participate to this list do so because there isn't =
another decent forum where this community could otherwise exist. There =
is no microsound/ambient/whatever listing in the local newspapers or on =
tv (otherwise maybe i'd read the paper or own a television) so several =
of the shows i want to attend i can only find out about through here - =
or through contacts made via the list. True this generates a lot of =
clutter in my mail box but overall it's worth it. Over the past few =
months I've read some extremely stimulating conversations regarding a =
very marginalized type of music and aesthestic approach which I would =
not be able to find anyplace else, it's a small price. At the same time =
I've seen shows that I certainly wouldn't have heard about otherwise. =
True, I agree some people are self-promoting mass-media style and that's =
annoying, but my final opinion will be generally be based on their music =
rather than promotional techniques.=20
- The mp3/cdr comment is truly asinine to say the least. Very few things =
posted on this list have really upset me but this was just ignorant. In =
the vein of experimentation and progress in our art, reading this =
comment was disappointing. I've released all my music though both mp3 =
and cdr's just because those are the formats that allow me to distribute =
my art as efficiently and self-sufficiently as possible. To be fair =
though I don't consider myself a musician in the same sense, it's one of =
many artistic avenues I enjoy just for the pleasure; I'm just lucky =
enough financially to be able to produce cd's that I can give away =
without worrying about my losses or where my next meal is coming from. =
Being able to separate money concerns from my art is a luxury I've =
always insisted upon. After all if someone is more caught up on the =
format medium rather than the music and the intended creative output =
then I don't know how much I really care what they think... Instead of =
spending $5 on getting a CD professionally pressed I can spend less than =
$2 and then put my $3 saved towards supporting someone else's efforts.=20
- The Twine comment was really out of context of Faith's general rant, =
but to be honest I can say I've never really been impressed with their =
music either, but it's just not my style. Having lived near Cleveland =
and in Denver I've been following their music for several years (since =
the early postings on mp3.com) and although I own several recordings and =
will hear them live whenever possible, the music doesn't stike me as =
that remarkable. However... they do put a lot of effort and energy into =
becoming very good at what they are doing and I will continue to support =
this however possible. I buy their cd's whenever I come across them and =
almost always end up passing them on to someone who hasn't heard of them =
before. In this lifetime I won't be making the opportunity to pursue a =
career in music so it's a vicarious pleasure : ) So, although they don't =
strike either myself or Faith as that amazing, they are doing a hell of =
a lot to get out there and actively expand the same aesthetic community =
that we are a part of and obviously value.=20
One final comment... I am in concurrence with j.frede in that this is a =
fairly small community and we share something quite unique, so that must =
be appreciated and supported. Losing, isolating or just agitating active =
participants over arguments about cat-squeezing (whoops!) or annoying =
self-promotions is something that really isn't to anyone's benefit. Even =
if some compromise is required, we have to deal with that because until =
MTV is playing some tracks from the latest .microsound compilation I =
think this is all we have (hmm, on second thoughts...)=20
So, being less snide and more constructive in your critisicms is all I =
can suggest.
- Richard
-----Original Message-----
From: dkl37@xxxxxxxx [mailto:dkl37@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 5:07 PM
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [microsound] A remark about the list
What the hell is this? International Numbskull Day? I wonder what
planetary configuration is inspiring people to suddenly blow out
unthinking selfish-minded remarks. And to what purpose? Your opinion is
your opinion, but what constructive purpose does it serve here?
Even more than the "fatih kizilgok" statement regarding announcements on
this list group, this is the most asinine statement I've heard here in a
long time: =09
> I no longer bother with MP3:s or CDR:s -- if the artist does not =
> its worth pressing a real CD (which is inexpensive enough) .. why=20
> should anyone be willing to listen to and even pay for it?=20
You obviously have no frickin' clue as to what you are talking about, so
please go back to lurking and/or worshipping at the Wire alter and =
find something constructive to do afterwards. =09
Sincerely, Dale
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