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Re: [microsound] A remark about the list
On Sat, 23 Nov 2002 19:27:40 -0700 "Richard Costelloe"
<rcostelloe@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> So, being less snide and more constructive in your critisicms is all
> I can suggest.
Hi Richard. Being a list group member for a few years, I have seen how
microsound seems to attract people who have nothing better to do than
randomly spit out unthinking self-centered diatribe, so please forgive me
if I decided for once, to not use subtle euphemisms to get to the heart
of the matter. ;-)
Artists posting performances and bulletins that are relevant to a list
group such as this one, IS A GIVEN, and if people wish to have it another
way, then perhaps they should start their own list group and stop trying
to convince this one that it need be otherwise.
As for the other person touting The Wire (otherwise a very fine
publication), I don't see the need to explain why the attitude presented
is preposterous.
Sincerely (again), Dale
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