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Re: [microsound] more on list complaint, promotion and commercialization
Jill, I agree with your advocation of people who take "the time and effort
to present themselves in an articulate manner". I get a lot of satisfaction
from a self-promoted "advertisement" with some independent artist's
interesting language in it (which is always useful to read just to see and
critically think about how artists in a similar field are culturally
positioning their work). This is much more useful than those multitude of
posts on this site sent without care given to a quick spell-check or
self-edit, and which come across as barely literate. Take some care and time
to think about how you're coming across, not just a first-word-best-word
kind of attitude. I'm not slamming those of you for whom English is not your
first language and who are working in translation. I'm thinking of those who
don't take enough care with what you write so that we have to read through
stuff like this: "and his merzbow comment was misconsturd".
-=on plenty of pharms at the moment=-
> Furthermore, I am always impressed when I see that someone takes the
> time and effort to present themselves in an articulate manner, even
> when their music or other work is not something I would necessarily
> consume on my own or otherwise appreciate. Perhaps this is a
> mainstream mentality, but my environment is mainstream. I won't read
> about something unless it is visibly communicated in a place where I
> will see it.