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Re: [microsound] more on list complaint, promotion and commercialization

The interesting thing with a proper release is the process and not the=20=

medium. The process of passing an editor (a real person) who listens=20
and discuss with the artist what to release or not and in what form.=20
And the process of passing the mastering-engineer.

I dont say this happens 100% but often enough to make it a valid filter=20=

you can use trying to find new music.

The microsound list is another such filter you could use. But it has=20
such narrow scope/selection.  The most interesting stuff do not happen=20=

on a mailing list.

I do listen/buy a lot of electroacoustic releases, most of them are=20
never mentioned on the net.

s=F6ndagen den 24 november 2002 kl 06.11 skrev Jill Teasley:

> As for cdr's and mp3 vs. pressed cd's - as far as artistic quality,=20
> the medium is only the message if the message isn't strong enough to=20=

> transcend the identity of its physical carrier. If you are looking to=20=

> have your taste defined by someone else's idea of marketability, then=20=

> you are choosing to limit your scope.
> Jill
> --=20
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