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Re: [microsound] field recording redux/ invisible cities


thanks so much for this phonography link. some really nice stuff there as well, 
also along the lines of compositions using and manipulating field recordings. 
like in the Invisible Cities project, i can see that Aaron Ximm [the Quiet 
American] has been actively working over his own recordings with a conceptual 
turn in the studio.

by way of complement, i'd like to remind the list of your own great release in 
the area of of treated and looped field work. not only is it on Bake, a CDR 
label of Staalplaat, but it ALSO got good marks in the Wire! who sez you can't 
have the best of both worlds?


Quoting ". m u r m e r" <murmer@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> If you haven't come across it already, have a look at www.phonography.org
> and the compilations Dale Lloyd has been putting together there.  There's
> also the phonography discussion group, all field recording based.  You're
> right, there's lots going on at the moment!
> patrick
> ps-I can strongly second Wesley's Tsunoda recommendation...
