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Re: [microsound] microsound festival?? convention??

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, j.frede wrote:

> i was wondering if anyone had ever considered putting together a
> microsound.org festival or convention ( i hate that term, it makes me think
> of trekkies)

hey come on j, do you really want to be hating on trekkies likethat? a lot
of really cool interesting people happen to be trekkies or extrekkies and
still have very fond memories of getting alll gothed out and going to
StarCon. like me for example.

shit that's embarrassing.

anyway - i think it'sa fabulous idea and i'm willing and ableto help
however i can. i'm not sure, but i think i can milk a few connections to
get us some grant money for the event. not a lot probably, but someis
better than nothing.

my vote for location is berlin. but i say that only for the most selfish

