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fun with vowels

i just logged into the CCRMA server for the first time in a while and was
surprised to see that the files for an old project i did a while back have
not been deleted, so i thought i might share...

the project was juvenile and fiendishly simple, but i think it can be a
lotof fun  too. the basic ideas was to get instruments to sing vowel
sounds - ie, piano that says "ooooo aaa" or a trumpet that says "ii aaa
oo" - whatever.

all you need to do is download the files and convolve them with any other
sound. and you'redone. you might actually want to pass the instruments
through a high pass filter first, since lower frequencies tend to be


like i said this is dumb but fun and easy, and i'm sure some of you could
put the system to use in ways i never even dreamed of.

let me know.


oh and not that it really matters, but the spectrograms on the left are
not in decibels, so it may be deceiving.
