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Re: [microsound] hidden from the audience
I agree with you in a sense, i think the venue and crowd have to have prior
knowledge of this field of music for a "hidden,,," performance to be
successful, and i agree that a certain degree of sound design such as a
quadraphonic soundsystem, or something would help.
as far as lights go, it would be interesting if more artists started working
with lights similar to the work la monte young was doing, light theater if
you will....
i dream of a day when contemporary music/microsound/etc events are only
booked in black box theaters or adapted gallery spaces, people in the USA
tend to try and set these shows up at Bars or rock venues and it is a
nightmare as we all know. and i know that promoters book shows where the
can, and that many promoters dont have access to blackbox theaters for
booking, so i understand this aspect of making due with what you have. but i
have all but sworn off performing in Bar type venues, even bigger places are
tough, i recently played at the Knitting Factory Hollywood and the
soundsystem is amazing but i didnt feel that it made up for the loud chatter
during the lull's in my performance.
current location:los angeles
po.box 292045 los angeles, ca 90029
----- Original Message -----
From: "dino lupelli MP" <dlupelli@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: [microsound] hidden from the audience
> As a musician I could agree with you, but as an event promoter it's a bit
> difficult for the audience to follow what's happening in a space where
> only a laptop and the musician, sometime is a bit boring, some time very
> boring.
> A good solution could be a stage built for this kind of performances,
> lights in a different way or may be a different sound design (I mean where
> the pa speaker are!).
> I must say that something great happened when to the music are related
> or computer graphic, but that's not an usual project.
> May be the problem is to explain to the people what kind of performance is
> going on, 'cause they simply don't follow so much the electronic music
> movement, so a well designed performance area is the solution (killing all
> the black tables in the world).
> Bye
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