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Re: live performance
the "ghetto" type setup you speak of can be so much
more interesting sometimes. not that i'm anti ibook,
i'm typing the this message on one right now...but
it's nice to see people play live with a lot of wires,
pedals and physical things sitting out there. i
perform a lot with a friend who uses a 4-track to play
back and modify field recordings. have you ever made
your 4-track feedback to alter the sounds? that's
great stuff.
live i use a feedback loop that goes from the main
mixer into a sampler and back and from the main mixer
into an old radioshack mixer, which is plugged into
itself, and back. the feedback loop is sent out
through the effects loop, so i can control every
little detail about what feedbacks and what doesn't.
well, it's not usually microsounding, but it's hardly
straight up noise. i use a cd player for some drones,
but mostly everything is either created live, or
triggered live off the sampler.
Um, each time I have played out, I have used a tascam
4 track porta
/ tape recorder. I do all my sound work on the
computer, then record
to a tracks, then I use the effect sends with an array
of pedal effects
real-time processing. Set-up is totally ghetto but
when you are
and living on a friends couch it seems to work out
nicely, and I never
crashed to boot.
jake hardy (aka) holzkopf
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