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Re: [microsound] [ot] mille plateaux
--- brett lockspeiser <blocks@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> hey folks
> about a year back there was a thread on this list
> about deleuze and
> guattari's thousand plateaus. i'd never really heard
> of the pair before
> and picked up the book and have been pecking at it
> on and off for the last
> year. it only ever made glimmers of sesne to me and
> i never really made
> much progress despite the fact that i was dating a
> girl who had just
> returned from studying D&G in oxford and who would
> tell me bedtime stories
> about bodies without organs...
> but recently i found a copy of anti-oedipus and have
> been working on it an
> suddenly it's all making glorious sense. i left my
> copy of a thousand
> plateaus in denver, but hopefully i'll have it
> mailed out to me and i can
> get to it again.
> two questions for everyone:
> 1 - any recommendations for good secondary sources,
> commentaries,
> interpretaions; clarifications of key concepts
> ("body without organs"
> "nomadic-war-machine" "rhizome") that have prooved
> helpful; or personal
> insights and experiences that have brought this text
> to life?
the translator of mille plateaux in english, brian
massumi has written a small book called _A User's
Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia_ which is as the
title states, a guide to reading both mille plateaux
and anti-oedipus. i have not actually read the book,
i only perused a copy in a bar in prague which was
subsequently burned down by the police for being a
communist hotbed. it seemed fairly lucid though.
what really helped me get involved with deleuze's
thought though was spending a great deal of time
reading mille plateaux in small bits and reading his
book on nietzche, nietzche and philosophy. it doesn't
use much of the same terminology but it is a good way
to begin to understand the way deleuze's mind worked
and as a reference point for what his aims are for
philosophy and life in general.
hope this is of some help
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