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> Issues and relations, yes, but are _critiques_ usually
> embedded in hardcore adult videos? Or are
> _opportunities_ for critique presented by the
> discourses embedded in these films? What do the films
> critique?
the critiques are not intentionally embedded in the films themselves...as
with most cultural artifacts the critique comes about from observing
phenomenon in their societal context...the power relations are intentionally
embedded since this is what forms the psychological underpinnings of most
(male oriented) porn...but the critique happens 'exterior' to the process of
the film creation/consumption...when I say that these films offer critiques
I mean that they can be viewed and dissected in a critical manner and it is
in this way that the codes and syntax of porn can best be seen...if you want
a good example of this sort of writing (critical dissection of cultural
artifacts) I would suggest Baudrillard or Barthes as a good start...