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Re: [microsound] Re: it's toplist time!

> While we're talking about Eliane: the only music by her I've heard is
> "Trilogie de la mort" on XI... Is the "Adnos" release similar to that (very
> slowly developing tones)?

i guess so..  unfortunatly i didn't hear 'trilogie de la mort' yet (ordered
my copy weeks ago, still nothing yet..), but 'adnoss I-III' consists of 3
discs, with 1 long, slowly evolving drone on 'I', a bit more happening on
'II' and again some more activity, although still *very* minimal on 'III'.

are all her releases like this.??  i pre-listended 'biogenesis' also, and it
seems to be in the same style..


[ http://users.pandora.be/formatt ]
