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Re: [microsound] adorno essays
Aaron Ximm wrote:
>I know that he is right, yet... I find myself unable to stop "making art"
>in order to, say, organize and mobilize. Is this a problem? I'm still
>Here in San Francisco there is the easy excuse that the city is full of
>people willing to do that footwork for me. I console myself with the
>thought that doing "good work" makes a contribution of its own.
>But what about you folks? Is anyone finding themselves changing their
>work in response to their current political situation?
I tell you what, I live in South Korea. In the past six months I've
been assaulted basically for being an American and a number of other
Americans are being refused services at restaurants, bars, retail shops
etc. all because of an acquittal of US soldiers in a vehicle accident
and Bush's brinksmanship with North Korea. Now I'm willing to concede
that some of these events are of a local xenophobic variety and also
that individual cases are often linked to larger structural problems. I
have no personal animosity to the Koreans or even my assailants. But
let's just say that when you folks in the US sit on your hands, some of
us others (expats or other nationalities) feel the effects. Now it's my
choice to be certain to live here and I have no regrets in doing so, but
when Americans ruminate whether or not to be political, let's just say
it gets me just a little hot under the collar.