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Re: [microsound] need shortwave radios for Cage piece
I think it's meant to be AM. 550 kHz to 1560 kHz would make sense for AM
radio. Cage probably had a radio with a dial that just dropped the last
zero and he probably looked at whatever the range of his radio was and used
that in the score.
>From: brad bordine <tpmjg@xxxxxxxxx>
Happy new year everyone-
>I am looking for advice and/or benevolent acts to aid
>a performance of
>Cage's Radio Music in Los Angeles on January 17. Our
>efforts at interpreting
>the score place the frequency range between
>1900khz-5400khz (the tuning
>numbers in the score range from 55 to 156 -- we assume
>these are
>wavelengths, as the score is from 1956 -- please
>advise if we are wrong)
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