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Re: [microsound] MOM
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andi toma, in some fairly recent interview, said he would never
play a show with just a laptop... because it would be way too boring.
however, i heard that when they played at neptune records, outside
detroit, they just jammed with two laptops and that it was amazing... much
more intimate and abstract then their live show could ever be...
i know when they went on tour with stereolab a few years back, they had
a burned cd of beats, and then they did all the melodies live over them.
might think, "playing to a cd? millie vanillie!" but it ain't no worse to
play along
prerecorded tracks on your harddrive i guess........
they pulled some hilarious shit where one of the guys was engaging in some
intense knob twiddling, so intense, that he actually broke the knob off and
it went
flying across the stage. they both had like goofy, "uh oh!" looks on their
faces. my girlfriend
said it had to be planned, but i broke up with her years ago, and regardless,
it was hilarious....