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Re: [microsound] Anger/Sitting On Our Hands

On Wed, 8 Jan 2003 16:55:20 -0500 "John Reading"
<john.reading@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> enough deleting these lame-ass pontificating, sophistic, BS,
> pseudo-intellectual CRAP!
Since this comment was made citing my e-mail as a reference, and now that
I have time to respond to this, I shall. First, of all John Reading, your
insulting tone was uncalled for and is not appreciated. Second, please
tell the group what John Reading believes is not "pseudo-intellectual
crap", so that we all may be so enlightened as well, since you seem to
have a firm grasp of what this may be. 																						
My comment, was once again in response to what seemed to be another case
of equating behaviors of the followers of an ideal to the ideal itself,
which is not necessarily accurate. If this comes across as
"pontificating" and/or "sophistic", then I apologize and will say no
Cheers, Dale

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