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hello Dali / coffee table top fives

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coffee table top fives;
1. spirit of '69 - the skinhead bible (everything about the rise and fall of 
one of the most misunderstood subcultures, including a clothing dictionary 
and an old Jamaican reggae record label glossary. two thumbs up!)
2. josef albers - interaction of color (a poetic and practical look at color 
theory and an excellent way to confuse your friends)
3. any back issues of surfer or thrasher (the super early issues of surfer 
are priceless, especially if you live nowhere near any waves, and company 
will love the florescent 80's gear and punk rock attitudes of the old skool 
skate crews)
4. any issue of arkitip (this may pose threat to nick's fear of what was so 
"last season" or what everyones into, but arkitip is pack with all the modern 
out-art crews work like mark gonzales, thomas campbell, geoff mcfetridge, 
reas, ... you know, the clever honkey movement!)
5. a Finnish to english / english to Finnish dictionary (just a personal 

 xoxo - cj

