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Re: [microsound] Pictures-Sound

I downloaded audiopaint last time you posted about it, but got 
distracted before I had time to play with it. I just went back and 
checked it out and I must say, it's fantastic. Simple, straightforward 
and effective. And there's an infinite supply of source material as 
close as my browser! Thank you for sharing your programming efforts with 
the world. Anyone who enjoys generating sound from odd sources should 
check out audiopaint. (Oh, and it's not slow on my AMD XP2000+ ;o))

On a similar note, I finally got around to trying out the trick of 
opening random files as raw wave data in Sound Forge. Found that most 
files generated white noise, but I discovered a wonderful, spastic, 
semi-coherent symphony awaited me in the form of an Access database. Had 
to pitch it down a bit, and after some judicious polishing with effects, 
it's quite entertaining. I'd be curious to hear if any on the list have 
had good luck with other types of files.


Nicolas Fournel wrote:

>You can give a try to audiopaint on my web site (see
>signature) it is completely free. There are no drawing
>functions (why to reinvent photoshop ?) but it can
>read bmp, jpeg, gif ... Also you can use any wave file
>as oscillator(coagula uses only sine waves if I
>remember well). When using samples, you will have to
>narrow the frequency range if you don't want to get
>noise due to all the harmonics generated. It is kind
>of slow too... 
>--- sébastien hayez <hayez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>I list,
>>If some of you could give me some names of Software
>>to convert pictures-files to sound. Like Coagula
>>Light but in a different way or with more
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