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Talking about mou , lips!

Dear list,=20

  I was attempting to read a review of mou-lips!' 'Untree'and resorted to
one of those online language translators. I found the results rather

3 january 2003: Kathodik webzine - http://www.kathodik.it
Mou , Lips! "Untree"

It is attractive to do to pick by surprise. You put on the umpteenth cd, th=
umpteenth demo, with your made packet of sentences already ready to pour in
the' umpteenth (still) review-clone. Cinismo in point of thoughts. You
reward play. Front corrucciato-anticipated. It begins the music.
It is not what you waited for you. You see that blunder to hate the world?
Nothing is like it is waited for us. The music is attractive, the group is
not lost behind the trend of the moment (more behind if same, well well), u=
hears itself well to ri-scoprir ideas in music. Heat elettro-rhythmic. You
play round, sliding noises, resonant objects , orchestrate played and
championships. The giusta dose of improvisation and the as much giusta dose
of structure (?). Et voil=E0! Perfect.
It is such dense this demo-promo mou-lipsiano that the material one calmly
could be contained in two exits separated.
A first more rhythmic part neuronale; times from chemical
transmission-electric. A second part soffusa, environmental, coiling like a
coperta of gelatine-placenta. I do not say that the material clearly are
separated, or rather melt themselves distinguishedly facendoci pass from an
environment with lights to the neon to undersea environments. I say but tha=
everything would be able to be also too much for the middle ascoltatore. Bu=
ce something of the middle one in fund rubs of it? Do not think so.
To listen to and riascoltare: the initial Untree, the splendido fade
poles-rhythmic of What buena that evolves and it it is differentiated in it
to giveses to the from the, where the samplings of trumpet and pocket
trumpet of the friend Jara Queeto seem to emphasize a third line of reading=
and fish in the universal waters that immerses us or emerges in-from a
sunken world with liquids, soffuse melodies and buzzing.

