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Re: [microsound] half full or half empty?
Kim Cascone wrote:
>...the purpose of this list is to synthesize new ideas that can
>help stimulate new work/discourse in the field of electronic music...
You know, I was thinking earlier, while reading some of the
mp3/file-sharing posts, that I've been on this list for a few months and
I don't really recall much, if any, actual discussion of musical/audio
technique. Not that I don't like a lot of the discussion that does occur
-- the mp3 stuff has been very interesting. But, I would be interested
in hearing why people choose the sounds that they do, or if there are
compositional tools/formulas/methods that people prefer. When I joined
the list, I was pleased to see how many people on the list shared their
work. However, it can be overwhelming: for awhile I followed every link
in a poster's signature and downloaded some of his material. After
awhile, I had to stop that... I have a chaotic mess in my download
folder... there are a bunch of files that I don't even know whose work
they are.
I realize that discussing music can be like describing color to a blind
man... and this thread may well go nowhere. So, to get things started, I
hope you won't mind if I throw the ball into your court, Kim. From what
I've heard of your work, I get the impression that it is generally
derived from experimentation... that pieces are derived from applying
various methods of audio mutation to source material. Am I right? Do you
start with a notion of where you want the sound to go or is everything
you create a product of circumstance? Do you discard some of the results
and if so, what's the ratio?
Please note that I'm asking you these questions mostly because you
happened to be the post I grabbed to respond to and I would hope that
many other folks will chime in with perspectives on how they create: how
they choose their sounds, what transformations have worked for them, how
they decide what to keep, do people ever use conventional musicial
concepts or are they mostly experimenting with warping audio, etc. And
if no one bites, well, at least I tried.
Oh, and one more question: What the heck is microsound anyway? (I mean,
I have an idea... kind of an abstract concept.. kind of like obscenity,
where you can't describe it, but you know it when you see it... ;o))