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Re: [microsound] sseyo software

> I would like to see a Koan Pro oriented more to audio than MIDI and =
with a
> new user interface.=20

thanks Bj=F6rn,
i'm looking for a sw able to translate signals from external sensors =
into midi signals.
it is for a project of artificial life. i would translate the numerous =
external variables to midi signals, and pass the midi sign. to a =
software like audiomulch, so i can use the vst plug in.
do you have some suggestions?

andrea @ mou, lips!

-----Messaggio Originale-----=20
Da: "Bj=F6rn Eriksson" <nowerik@xxxxxxxxxx>
A: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Data invio: luned=EC 27 gennaio 2003 0.29
Oggetto: Re: [microsound] sseyo software

> I have done some test runs of the Koan Pro but I didn't like the user
> interface.
> I was surprised what happened with my input so in that way I did like =
> software
> but otherwise I found it a bit hard to control intuitively. I wanna be
> surprised but not always so surprised.
> I would like to see a Koan Pro oriented more to audio than MIDI and =
with a
> new user interface. I don't doubt this is great SW if you learn all =
> settings (as with all programs).
> /Bj=F6rn Eriksson
> >hi all,
> >
> >just wanted to know if someone of you use some sseyo software.
> >
> >http://www.sseyo.com
> >
> >thanks
> >
> >andrea
> >
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