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Re: [microsound] Mccapitalism

At 10:13 AM -0800 1/27/03, goga fedorova wrote:
>kim,what you are referring to is capitalism 19th-century-style...i 
>think we all know what capitalism means in the 21st century..

Capitalism in the 21st century is pretty much the same as it was in 
the 19th, except now much of the exploitation is indirect. Rather 
than exclusively exploiting the labor of workers in a direct way, 
modern-day capitalists foster and exploit consumerist cravings 
through advertising and the entertainment media. More recently 
they've enticed the consumer population to invest their earnings in 
the stock market. It's all variations on the same old game.

>.don't you think that creating a mailing list and use it as a 
>target-market for selling your own cds is not capitalism? i think it 
>is. and dishonest too.

It's not capitalism. It's honest commercial activity.

Richard Zvonar, PhD
(818) 788-2202
