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indie distribution is dead...so use Ebay!
> of course. understand it's difficult to mark the limits. perhaps the limit
> is that hurry up message about your cds getting low... what are u "sharing"
> there?
explanation: my main distributor Dutch East Indie is now out of business and
owes me over $300.00...likewise, Forced Exposure still owes me around a
couple of hundred dollars as well so the only way for people to buy my CD's
is either by coming to my concerts or by ordering directly from me...I am
constantly meeting people who ask where they can buy my CD's since they
cannot find them in record stores (due to distribution companies going out
of business or having cash flow problems)...
so seeing how most of my distribution has evaporated and this list seems to
be comprised of mostly people who like this sort of music I just wanted to
make sure that anyone who wanted a Keith Rowe/Kim Cascone 'With Hidden
Noise' CD or a 'Parasites' CD (which by the way, are running REAL LOW now)
got a chance to purchase one...
so what I am sharing is a limited supply of CD's which will not be
re-pressed when they sell out due to having no real distribution other than
my posts to lists where individuals can purchase my CD's if they so