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- Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 13:37:02 -0800
>> of course. understand it's difficult to mark the limits. perhaps the limit
>> is that hurry up message about your cds getting low... what are u "sharing"
>> there?
>explanation: my main distributor Dutch East Indie is now out of business and
>owes me over $300.00...likewise, Forced Exposure still owes me around a
>couple of hundred dollars as well so the only way for people to buy my CD's
>is either by coming to my concerts or by ordering directly from me...I am
>constantly meeting people who ask where they can buy my CD's since they
>cannot find them in record stores (due to distribution companies going out
>of business or having cash flow problems)...
>so seeing how most of my distribution has evaporated and this list seems to
>be comprised of mostly people who like this sort of music I just wanted to
>make sure that anyone who wanted a Keith Rowe/Kim Cascone 'With Hidden
>Noise' CD or a 'Parasites' CD (which by the way, are running REAL LOW now)
>got a chance to purchase one...
>so what I am sharing is a limited supply of CD's which will not be
>re-pressed when they sell out due to having no real distribution other than
>my posts to lists where individuals can purchase my CD's if they so
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