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24.01.03 - framework playlist

Framework is broadcast alternate Fridays on Resonance FM, 104.4 in London
(UK), or worldwide on www.resonancefm.com between 8:30 and 9:30pm GMT.
(time zone converter:

Next broadcast: 07.02.03


Framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized
sound activity
presented by Patrick McGinley

After a long hiatus (for the playlists only; the show, of course, has
continued as usual), welcome to the first framework playlist of 2003.  A few
changes for framework; we bid a fond farewell to Joel, my co-host, a few
weeks ago, who has headed back to his Australian homeland.  We're sure we'll
run into him again sometime.  And we're counting on him to supply us with
some great long-distance material for the show (you listening, Joel?).  The
next few months should be action packed, with a few guest hosts, some more
live on air events, and the continuing framework concert series.

Also, there are two more playlists to come: 27.12.02 and 10.01.03.  Joel
hosted these two shows on his own while I was off gallivanting on the
continent; I've got recordings, but haven't compiled the info yet.  They
featured an interview with fallt's Chris Murphy on the Invisible Cities
project, a live performance by mnortham, newly returned from a few months in
Malta, and even a second airing in as many shows of one of our favorite
pieces, Steve Roden's The Radio (slight miscommunication twixt cohosts, but
worth two listens anyhow).

Again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field
recordings or field recording based composition.  Send material, released or
not, on any format, to the address below.   We are also hoping to have live
performances as often as possible, so if you are in or passing through
London please get in touch!

31 Nevill Road
London N16 8SL



(artist  /  title  /  album  /  label)

murmer  /  a particularly violent hail storm falling on a metal roof in
bordeaux, france

merzbow/christoph heemann  /  tunneling  /  sleeper awakes on the edge of
the abyss  /  streamline
source material from merzbow reworked and mixed with environmental
recordings by heemann: washes of  soft, white noise

tore honore boe  /  chokran  /  siesta  /  jazzassin
very serene minimal sound manipulation from norway
thboe@xxxxxxxxx, www.kunst.no/origami/tore

francisco lopez/steve roden  /  le chemin du paradis  /  le chemin du
paradis  /  fario
long layered tones and hisses on french label associated with feardrop
www.franciscolopez.net/, www.inbetweennoise.com, feardrop@xxxxxxxxxx

murmer  /  a 1950's 600 gallon galvanized steel watertank in the attic of
cawthorpe hall, lincolnshire

arsenije jovanovic  /  ma maison  /  -  /  la legendes des voix
sonic recreation of the home space of this serbian composer using recordings
and objects from his home

giancarlo toniutti  /  awijagandeng monni  /  the sound of nature   the
nature of sound (compilation)  /  kaon
dense but smooth manipulations on a great compilation, also featuring
mnortham, toy.bizarre, seth nehil...
www.soundohm.com/toniutti.htm, label@xxxxxxxx, www.kaon.org
