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Re: [microsound] Waveform editor?
>maybe it's stupid but what do you mean by Arrays in PD ? is it a soft or
>something ?
Maybe am I a little stupid too :) I've made some research on google about
PD. Here is what I found on http://www.pure-data.org/
What is Pd?
"Pd" stands for "pure data". Pd is a real-time software system for live
musical and multimedia performances. It is in active development by Miller
Puckette , and perhaps others. The system is unfinished, but quite useable
for sophisticated projects. It has been ported to Linux, IRIX, and many
flavors of Windows.
Quite intriguing! But I'm still not sure to understand perfectly... Is it a
basis to code multimedia applications? As you described it Michal, it's
exactly what I was looking for, but can you create waveforms only with PD or
do you absolutely need an app on top of it?
Thanks a lot for the clue!
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