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RE: [microsound] mp3: embrace or die

	I don't think this is the case at all. I think the point the article
is making is that the music industry (with help from modern radio in the US)
is KILLING music, and that file sharing is the only thing keeping it barely
	Personally I think it would be impossible to kill music as a
listen-only artform. What will happen will be a change in how people acquire

	I agree that there will be new media (like video games, or DVD) that
add to ones enjoyment of music (or in the case of the video game, the music
enhances the enjoyment of the game), but I don't think the practice of just
'listening' to music will ever go away.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: the.kurtz.quartet [mailto:kurtz.quartet@xxxxxxx]
> music is dead, only used as filler by most. if you want some *real*
> attention from the audience you need to do a computer game (interactive
> music?) or a DVD.
