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stone and ripple
In an experience likely to set back my efforts at scripting/programming
for years to come, I had absolutely no success at squeezing out any
sounds from Wigout, either on Windows 2000 or 98, despite some generous
advice from Matthew Allen. I tried Wigette on a G4 laptop (which opened
the program in OS9, from what I remember), and the program popped up
just fine, but I couldn't get any audio feed. Perhaps this error
message was the problem:
MSP/ASIO, no ASIO drivers found in ASIO Drivers folder
error: rescopy: failed to add STR#3105, error -194.
I checked everything, and it looks like I downloaded everything that was
on the Hotline wigette folder. I ran it by itself and with Max in the
background. I do want to keep trying, so if anyone has any suggestions
.. . . (I still haven't gotten around to installing and teaching myself
PD--did anyone come up with any wigout support for PD?)
In the meantime, I grabbed some samples and went to work on those. The
result of which will be my contribution to the project. It's called
"stippled," and can be found in my dropbox in the stone and ripple
folder. The samples I used:
Juanjo Fernandez: JF-wigette08.wav
Forma: wgt_frm_5.wav
Kim Cascone: kim.6.aif