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hi kim

since i have not answer from the owner or from the

"Jusep Torres Campalans" <torrescampalans@xxxxxxxxxxx>

                                           Para :
kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, trecehaches@xxxxxxxx 

Asunto: tralara_tralara 
Fecha : Thu, 06 Feb 2003 21:02:31 +0100 
                                            hi kim...
since i have not response for you, perhaps you are
still hurted... 
  perhaps you are a bit confused with so many lies...
so gonna tell (almost all) the truth... 
  aralart_aralart instead of tralara_tralara 

  you have banned escondido oculto=
galaxiamarconi@xxxxxxxxxxx from your list. don't u
recognize different styles in writting?...

  we are only 2frauds, goga&jusep. escondido oculto is
not involved with us in any way... if you only
commented your censorship 
  about us some people on the list would say you
escondido oculto is nothing to be with us... but this
secret&hidden actions 
  usually results in colateral damage... perhaps you
don't matter, but we do. we accept (though don't
understand) your defense, 
  but don't want to anyone innocent to be affected... 
  so....is mr cascona honest enough to repair the

  you are a coward.why don't answer my prev msg?.
think now i'm talking in corteous way, i read... 
  Sorry, I've been told to reject your posts. Contact 
  microsound-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx if you have questions
about this (#5.7.2) 
  i have questions about this, but get not

  i'm a 8year child, so don't understand the problem
about answering me... i promise you wouldn't be a hit
at the un... 

  ni amor ni besos 

  jusep torres campalans 

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