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Re: [microsound] the audience is listening

>... the noise has definitely gotten
>worse recently.  But, for me, getting to the juicy stuff is worth sorting
>through the pap.
>Please, keep the worthwile discussion flowing.

It hasn't been very long that I've been reading and contributing to the 
list, but I must agree that it is a little bit deplorable that futile posts 
get the most attention while the "juicy stuff" get so little. I'm not always 
the most subtle speaker so one of the aspects that motivated me to join 
microsound was to participate to the exchange and confrontation of ideas 
about music in order to clarify them. I also hoped to discover new things 
and share knowledge with others. Isn't it the main purpose of this list? 
Come on people, a little effort, open your mind and pour it all here so we 
can make a good soup! Microsound is a game where we all win :0] Make me feel 
your enthousiast about learning new things!

Nicolas Grenier

Dynamite Bob

MSN Messenger : discutez en direct avec vos amis !  
